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The Secrets of Stonehenge

Book Synopsis

Why was this amazing monument erected? How did our Stone-Age ancestors bring such massive stones to the site from so far away? How did they raise the enormous stones to their upright positions? What was Stonehenge used for, and who lived around the site? This is the incredible true story of this awe-inspiring monument – one of the greatest ancient sites in the world and a World Heritage Site. This fascinating picture information book provides all the facts about the most important prehistoric monument in Britain.

Our Review Panel says...

A much-loved non-fiction choice that also spans the Neolithic period and the Bronze Age is The Secrets of Stonehenge by Mick Manning & Brita Granström.

Built over hundreds of years, Stonehenge is one of the most famous monuments from prehistoric times. Historians believe that construction began in the late Neolithic Age and work continued over the next thousand years, with people making many changes to the monument well into the Bronze Age. There is some doubt over exactly why Stonehenge was built, but a likely reason is for religious ceremonies and gatherings.

The Secrets of Stonehenge is a fascinating information text full of images, questions and captions that probe deeply into the mysteries of Stonehenge. This engaging non-fiction text is easy to understand, visually appealing and bursting with interesting facts and theories about the mysteries of Stonehenge.

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The Secrets of Stonehenge

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