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The Great Kapok Tree

Book Synopsis

Lynne Cherry journeyed deep into the rain forests of Brazil to write and illustrate this gorgeous picture book about a man who exhausts himself trying to chop down a giant kapok tree. While he sleeps, the forest’s residents, including a child from the Yanomamo tribe, whisper in his ear about the importance of trees and how all living things depend on one another . . . and it works.

Our Review Panel says...

The Ancient Maya believed that the Kapok tree was sacred. Although this story does not directly mention the Maya, it centres around the fate of a Kapok tree in the Amazon rainforest and for this reason many teachers use this popular text alongside their Maya topic. This is a colourful and engaging picture book that captures the spirit of the rainforest through its beautifully detailed illustrations. It has a simple story line that is accessible to less confident readers but a strong message about deforestation and enough depth to captivate older readers too. Check out the accompanying unit of work from KS2History.

The Great Kapok Tree: Planning Pack

The Great Kapok Tree Planning Pack from KS2History contains a two-week English unit of work for Year 3/4, based on the book ‘The Great Kapok Tree’.

The Great Kapok Tree

The Great Kapok Tree: A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest

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Stone Girl Bone Girl


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