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Rosa Explores Life Cycles

Book Synopsis

Rosa and friends return! A simple story in each book shows this diverse group of children making exciting discoveries about their world. Ideal for STEM enrichment.

Our Review Panel says...

We highly recommend this STEM-themed series from inclusive publisher Child’s Play.

In Rosa Explores Life Cycles, Rosa and her friends discover frogspawn and find out about what happens in the life cycle of a frog. The book doesn’t shy away from technical vocabulary, and young children will encounter words like amphibians, larva, gils, embryo and metamorphosis  – all explained by the children on their scientific learning quest in a narrative non-fiction style. The format is a board book with colourful illustrations, appealing to younger children but actually putting a vast amount of learning into little hands.

We like the diverse cast of characters, the matter-of-fact tone and the discovery-based approach to learning the story celebrates.

This book is available on these booklists:

Rosa Explores Life Cycles: Activity Sheets

A teachers’ resource pack provided by the publisher to accompany the book Rosa Explores Life Cycles.

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Stone Girl Bone Girl


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